Nov 9, 2022

Hi, Donna Marie! I've put together a game plan for a website that can start as a splash page that will evolve into an entire website that highlights the MLMIA.

Start Proposal Review
Goals & objectives

Cater a digital experience for those looking to learn, donate, and get involved in the MLMIA. We will start with a page that directs them to a gofund me page. That is the first objective, but we build so we can transition into building a full website once the splash page is complete.

Key Components of the Project

Site Pages

  • Splash Page ($750) - This can be up within a week and would be counted towards the deposit.
  • Home Page - Eye catching, overview of MLMIA, pushes to next step in the funnel (whether that is join, donate, or sign up for notifications)
  • CMS Pages For Members - Kind of like the Institute of Global Compliance
  • CMS Pages For Resources - We can design the site so you, us, or a content writer can easily add and update blog posts and resources.
  • About - This will help build credibility.
  • Automated Chatbot with human intervention available with Tidio- We can have a chatbot have a conversation until you would rather have a human responding.
  • Contact - General contact page with CTA (possibly a scheduling system).

Micro Conversion (A resource or guide/free consult/etc.)

  • Remember the Yes Rule - Remember if people say yes once they are exponentially more likely to say yes again (same applies to no). It is important for the visitor’s first answer to be a yes (which is especially challenging for high-involvement services) Below are some ways you can build micro-conversions without much effort in order for the first answer to be YES!
  • Some examples could be offering a free security e-book (book made once and automatically sent out), offering an evaluation, or simply providing content that collects sign-ups.
  • Ideally, you would want to A/B test in order to determine the best micro-conversion offering. We can help develop out this strategy further, but we will build the site to encourage a goal or conversion.

Other Key Components

  • Image Optimization - Reducing the file size of your images as much as possible without sacrificing quality and putting in alt-text (helpful for SEO)
  • Lead Automation - We will have a viewer submit information (e.g. email) and that data will go through to a CRM (customer relationship management) or spreadsheet (e.g. automate marketing communications on sign up). More information on lead automation below.
  • SEO Focused - We will build the website after detailed keyword research. We want to see what people are searching for in the industry. I provided some preliminary research from DSA.orgfree of charge (in the email).
Part II - The Solution
The Game Plan

We will accomplish the above key components by developing pages based off of a CMS that will provide a database we can edit services, events, member pages, and resources.

Content Management Systems (CMS)

CMS is typically used for enterprise content management and web content management. CMS will be used for controlling service and resources pages. We would design a webpage one time that gets populated dynamically by a database. This is so important because we want to be able to target certain search queries with specific webpages. The only way to do this in an SEO friendly and cost/time effective way is through a CMS.

For more information on CMS please view the section of this page labeled "Dynamic Content For a Dynamic World"

Tracking For Strong Analytics To Improve ROI

Development Includes the Following Integrations

Google Tag Manager, Analytics, & Social Pixels- Snippets of code to track valuable user data. This snippet of JavaScript collects demographics, performance data for your websites and ads, and other actionable data.

Full Story - Full Story is a tag that enables Google Tag Manager to capture visitors interactions with our website (Video Recording).

Automation For Scalability & Growth

Inquiry - I recommend using a CRM (e.g. HubSpot) , but we can also build an integration that is compatible with a spreadsheet or possibly your current CRM via zapier. You can automate this for conversions and scheduling a meeting. Once they are in our CRM we can automate Email & SMS strategy. You are able to automate marketing efforts such as sending a welcome email, a newsletter, or an automated reminders for appointments. This is where we can use automation to save thousands of hours in time.

Investment overview
Custom/Lead Generation
Custom Back-End (CMS)
Tags, Analytics, and Pixel Integrations
Optimize For Search Results
Live Launch
Estimated Completion Date
December 12, 2022
Download Detailed Timeline
time for action
This Proposal Was Created By Brad Korer

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Thank you for allowing me to map out this plan. Super excited to hear your thoughts on this. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Thanks again, Donna Marie!