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Marketing AI
Social Media, Email, Operations, Automation


LeadConnectMD simplifies operations by integrating communication, reporting, and advertising tools, connecting data, teams, and customers seamlessly in one platform.

LeadConnectMD is a comprehensive platform designed to streamline various business operations, particularly for small and medium-sized businesses in the United States. Its primary focus is on enhancing efficiency and reducing manual tasks. The platform integrates several functionalities into one system, aiming to replace a multitude of separate software tools.

Key Features of LeadConnectMD:

  1. Centralized Communications: It consolidates all forms of communication, such as calls, texts, and emails, into a single inbox, which can be accessed via both desktop and mobile apps. This integration replaces the need for separate chatbot services like ManyChat and Tidio.
  2. Operations Management: LeadConnectMD facilitates operations like scheduling, billing cycles, and task management from a single dashboard. It provides unlimited staff logins and a mobile app for field staff, aiming to replace traditional task management software and appointment booking tools like Calendly.
  3. Funnel Optimization: The platform allows the creation and automation of marketing funnels, enabling communications based on the lead's position in the funnel. This feature is designed to replace automation tools like Zapier and provide visualization similar to Power BI and Tableau.
  4. Advanced Reporting: LeadConnectMD offers detailed reporting features, tracking every aspect of a campaign from the initial click to the final customer conversion. It replaces manual monthly reporting and call tracking solutions like CallRail or CTM.
  5. Support and Integration: The system is tailored to various industries, coming with ongoing support, automation setup assistance, and a dedicated account manager. It integrates digital marketing, social media posting, email campaigns, and review management in one dashboard, replacing tools like Buffer, Hootsuite, and MailChimp.
  6. Pricing: The service is offered at a flat rate of $279 per month, with no contractual obligations and includes support for the duration of service usage.

LeadConnectMD positions itself as a versatile and efficient tool for businesses looking to consolidate their digital marketing, communication, and operational tools into a single, integrated platform

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Marketing AI
Social Media, Email, Operations, Automation